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Book Chapters, Books & Invited Articles
Megerdoomian, Karine (Submitted). "Linguistic Data-Driven Approach to Persian Language Pedagogy: Practical Application to Compound Verbs". In Persian Language Pedagogy: New Trends and Innovations, edited by Azita Taleghani and Pouneh Shabani-Jadidi; Routledge. PDF (slides) (video)
Megerdoomian, Karine
 (2020). "Linguistic Competence of Persian Heritage Versus Second Language Speakers". In The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Pedagogy of Persian, edited by Pouneh Shabani-Jadidi; Routledge. PDF (web) (book) (slides)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2019). "Computational Linguistics". In The Oxford Handbook of Persian Linguistics, edited by Anousha Sedighi and Pouneh Shabani-Jadidi; Routledge. PDF (web)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2010). "Extending a Persian Morphological Analyzer to Blogs". In Persian Language and Computers: Selected Papers from: The Annual International Conference of Computer Society of Iran, Vol. 2 (زبان فارسی و رایانه- جلد دوم), edited by Hossein Sameti and Mahmood Bijankhan. SAMT Publishers, Organization for Research and Editing of University Publications in the Humanities, Tehran, Iran. PDF (web)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2010). "Developing a Persian Part-of-Speech Tagger". In Persian Language and Computers: Selected Papers from: The Annual International Conference of Computer Society of Iran, Vol. 2 (زبان فارسی و رایانه- جلد دوم), edited by Hossein Sameti and Mahmood Bijankhan. SAMT Publishers, Organization for Research and Editing of University Publications in the Humanities, Tehran, Iran. PDF (web)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2010). "Linguistic Patterns in Heritage Persian Instruction". In 
Proceedings of STARTALK Persian Teacher's Workshop for Professional Curriculum and Materials Development, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. July 2010. PDF  

Megerdoomian, Karine (2009). "Low-Density Language Strategies for Persian and Armenian". In Language Engineering for Lesser-Studied Languages, edited by Sergei Nirenburg; IOS Press of Amsterdam. PDF (web)   (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2009). Beyond Words and Phrases: A Unified Theory of Predicate Composition. Published 2002 doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California. VDM Verlag, Germany. dissertation (book)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2008). "Parallel Nominal and Verbal Projections". In Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory: Essays in Honor of Jean-Roger Vergnaud, edited by Robert Freidin, Carlos P. Otero and Maria Luisa Zubizarreta; MIT Press. PDF (web)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2003). "Text Mining, Corpus Building and Testing". In A Handbook for Language Engineers, edited by Ali Farghaly. CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA. PDF (web)
Journal Articles
Megerdoomian, Karine, Charles E. Horowitz and Amy B. Marsh (Submitted). "Automated Extraction of Substance Use and Co-occurring Disorders from Probation Records". In Federal Probation Journal; United States Courts. PDF   (Public Released)
Kahnemuyipour, Arsalan and Karine Megerdoomian (2017). "On the Positional Distribution of an Armenian Auxiliary: Second Position Clisis, Focus and Phases ". In Syntax, Vol. 20, Issue 1, pp 77-97. PDF (web)

Yelundur, Anil, Chris Giannella, Karine Megerdoomian and Craig Pfeifer (2016). "Event Classification in Foreign Language Aviation Reports". In International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining (IJKEDM), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 54-73. PDF (web)   (Public Released)

Dodds, Peter Sheridan, Eric M. Clark, Suma Desuc, Morgan R. Frank, Andrew J. Reagan, Jake Ryland Williams, Lewis Mitchell, Kameron Decker Harris, Isabel M. Kloumann, James P. Bagrow, Karine Megerdoomian, Matthew T. McMahon, Brian F. Tivnan, and Christopher M. Danforth (2015). "Human Language Reveals a Universal Positivity Bias". In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) , Vol. 112, No. 8, pp 2389–2394. PDF (web)   (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2012). "The Status of the Nominal in Persian Complex Predicates". In Natural Language and Linguistic Theory Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp 179-216. 
PDF (web)   (Public Released)

Kahnemuyipour, Arsalan and Karine Megerdoomian (2011). "Second Position Clitics in the vP Phase: The Case of the Armenian Auxiliary". In 
Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 42, Issue 1, pp 152–162. PDF (web)   (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2009). "Telicity in Persian Complex Predicates". In Snippets, Issue 19,, pp 15-16. 
PDF (web)

Megerdoomian, Karine
 (2005). "Transitivity Alternation Verbs and Causative Constructions in Eastern Armenian". In Annual of Armenian Linguistics, Vol. 24,, pp 13-33. PDF

Megerdoomian, Karine (2001). "Event Structure and Complex Predicates in Persian". In Canadian Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp 97-125. Special issue on the Syntax of Iranian languages
PDF   (Public Released)
Proceedings Publications
Branting, Karl, Sarah McLeod, Bryant Park and Karine Megerdoomian (2023). "Induction of Narrative Models for Legal Case Elicitation". In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Automated Semantic Analysis of Information in Legal Text, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2023). PDF   (Public Released)
Ocal, Mustafa, Radas, Antonela, Hummer, Jared, Megerdoomian, Karine and Mark A. Finlayson (2022) "A Comprehensive Evaluation and Correction of the TimeBank Corpus". In Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022), pp 2919-2927. Marseille, France. PDF (code)

Megerdoomian, Karine, Karl Branting, Charles E. Horowitz, Amy B. Marsh, Nick Modly, Stacy J. Petersen, Eric O. Scott and Sujit B. Wariyar (2019). "Automated Narrative Extraction from Administrative Records". In
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and the Administrative State (AIAS 2019). Montreal, QC, Canada. PDF  (slides)  (Public Released)

Michel, Shaun and Karine Megerdoomian (2015). "Modeling Community Resilience for a Post-Epidemic Society". In Proceedings of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas Conference. Santa Fe, NM. PDF  
Megerdoomian, Karine and Ali Hadjarian (2011). "Automatic Topic Detection in Persian Blogs". In Proceedings of the Human Social Cultural Behavior (HSCB) Modeling Focus Conference. Chantilly, Virginia. Long Abstract  (slides)  (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine and Ali Hadjarian (2010). "Mining and Classification of Neologisms in Persian Blogs". In Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity, pp 6–13, Los Angeles, California. Association for Computational Linguistics. PDF   (Public Released)

​Kahnemuyipour, Arsalan and Karine Megerdoomian (2010). "On the Domain of Second Position Clisis". In Proceedings of the 28th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), Los Angeles, California.  (handout) 

Condon, Sherri, Mark Arehart, Christy Doran, Dan Parvaz, John Aberdeen, Karine Megerdoomian, and Beatrice Oshika (2009). "Automated Metrics for Speech Translation". In PerMIS '09 Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems, pp 265-272. New York. PDF   (Public Released)

Parvaz, Dan and Karine Megerdoomian (2008). "Low-density Language Bootstrapping: The Case of Tajiki Persian". In Proceedings of the 6th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2008), pp 3293-3298, Marrakech, Morocco.  PDF (poster)   (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2004). "Finite-State Morphological Analysis of Persian". In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Arabic Script-based Languages, at International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2004), Geneva, Switzerland. PDF   (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2000). "Unification-Based Persian Morphology". In Proceedings of the International Conference on
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing 2000)
, Mexico City, Mexico. 

Amtrup, Jan, Karine Megerdoomian, and Remi Zajac (2000). "Rapid Development of Translation Tools: Applications to Persian and Turkish".
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2000), Saarbrucken, Germany. PDF  

Megerdoomian, Karine and Shadi Ganjavi (2000). "Against Optional
wh-Movement". In Proceedings of Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL), Volume 12., Fresno, California. PDF  (handout)  (web) 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2000). "Aspect and Partitive Objects in Finnish". In Proceedings of the 19th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), Los Angeles, California. PDF  (handout) 
Book chapters, books
Journal articles
Proceedings publications
Manuscripts, presentations
Unpublished Manuscripts and Presentations at Conferences, Workshops and Symposia
Megerdoomian, Karine (2019). "Recursion and Scaling in Complex Predicates: Light Verbs as Underspecified Regular Verbs". Keynote presented at the Workshop on Complex Predicates in Iranian languages, in conjunction with the Second North American Conference in Iranian Linguistics (NACIL2), Tucson, Arizona. slides 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2016). "Coauthorship Networks in Linguistics". Submitted Presentation for course in Network Analysis, Computational Social Science department, George Mason University, Virginia.   slides 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2014). "Multilayer Explorations of Zipf's Law in Linguistic Structure". Submitted Paper for course in Power Law, Computational Social Science department, George Mason University, Virginia.   PDF 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2013). "Information Propagation Model in a Social Network". Submitted Presentation for course in NetLogo Modeling, Computational Social Science department, George Mason University, Virginia.   slides 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2012). "Shift Happens: Language Shift and Maintenance in the Persian Diaspora". Unpublished Manuscript, Washington, D.C.   PDF 
Megerdoomian, Karine (2012). "Persian Diglossia and its Impact in the Classroom". Unpublished Manuscript, Washington, D.C.   PDF 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2012). "Social Media for Language Teaching". Presented at STARTALK Workshop for  Teachers of Persian, Washington, D.C.. June 2012. slides  

Megerdoomian, Karine (2011). "Deciphering Middle Eastern Names". Presented at the workshop on the Languages of the Caucasus, Berkeley Linguistic Society (BLS), 
Berkeley, California. handout 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2011). "Focus and Auxiliary in Eastern Armenian". Presented at the workshop on 
the Languages of the Caucasus, Berkeley Linguistic Society (BLS), Berkeley, California. handout 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2009). "Heritage Persian Characteristics and Needs". Presented at
 STARTALK Persian Teacher's Workshop for Professional Curriculum and Materials Development, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. June 2009. slides  
Miller, Keith J. Elizabeth Schroeder, Sarah McLeod, Azar Ulrich, Karine Megerdoomian, James Finley, Gail Hamilton, Andre Milota, Ken Samuel, and Sherri Condon (2009). "MITRE Infrastructure and Evaluation for Identity Resolution Technology". Presented at the Military Operations Research Society (MORS) Symposiumslides     (Public Released)
Ganjavi, Shadi and Karine Megerdoomian (2009). "D-Linked Wh-Phrases and Focus-Fronting in Persian". Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL3), Paris, France. handout 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2008). "Preverbal Nominals and Telicity in Persian Complex Predicates". Presented at the conference on Complex Predicates in Iranian Languages, Paris, Francehandout 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2008
). "Some Bare Nouns are More Equal Than Others". Presented at the USC Student Workshop, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Californiahandout 

​Kahnemuyipour, Arsalan and Karine 
Megerdoomian (2008). "Second Position, Focus and Multiple Spell-Out: Toward and Analysis of the Armenian Auxiliary". Presented at Meeting Clitics, Barcelona, Spain (handout) 

Amtrup, Jan and Karine Megerdoomian (2007). "Machine Translation of Complex Persian Predicates". Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL2), Hamburg, Germany. slides 

Cagri, Ilhan, Scott Jackson and Karine Megerdoomian (2007). "Testing the Linguistic Competence of Persian Heritage Speakers". Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL2), Hamburg, Germany. slides
Megerdoomian, Karine (2007). "The Auxiliary Clitic and Sentential Stress in Eastern Armenian". Presented at the Georgetown University Round Table (GURT), Washington, D.Chandout 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2006). "Difficulties for Learning Persian as a Second Language". Presented at Persian Teacher's Workshop,
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. slides  

Megerdoomian, Karine (2005). "Typology of Complex Predicates in Persian". Presented at the 1st International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL1),
Leipzig, Germany. handout 
Megerdoomian, Karine (2005). "Reflexive Verbs and Voice Morphology in Eastern Armenian". Presented at the Armenian Syntax Workshop, Pithiviers, France. handout 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2003). "On Incorporation in Persian Verbal Predicates". Presented at the Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL), Tucson, Arizonahandout 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2003). "Asymmetries in Form and Meaning: Surface Realization and Interface Conditions". Presented at the workshop on Approaching Asymmetry at the Interfaces, Montreal, QC, Canada.   PDF  (handout) 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2002
). "Aspect in Complex Predicates". Presented at the Workshop on Complex Predicates, Particle and Subevents, Konstanz, Germanyhandout 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2001
). "Primitive Elements of Verbal Predicates: Evidence from Persian". Presented at the Workshop on Syntax of Predication, ZAS Berlin, Berlin, Germanyhandout 

Megerdoomian, Karine (2001
). "Verb Formation and the Syntax-Lexicon Interface". Presented at Modern Trends in Linguistics, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iranhandout 
Technical reports (public)
Technical Reports (Publicly Available)
Megerdoomian, Karine (2014). "State of the Research in Human Language Technology: A Study of ACL and NAACL Publications from 2007 through 2014". MITRE Technical Report.  PDF    (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2014). "Text Normalization
". UVM Technical Report.  PDF   

Megerdoomian, Karine (2011). "Deciphering Middle Eastern Names". Technical Presentation.  (slides)   (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2011). "The Format of Middle Eastern Names in Official Documents". MITRE Technical Report.  PDF    (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2010). "Sentiment Lexicons: A Survey". UVM Technical Report.  

Megerdoomian, Karine (2009). "The Structure of Afghan Names". MITRE Product.  PDF    (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2008). "Persian Supplement to the TIDES Standard for the Annotation of Temporal Expressions". MITRE Product.  PDF    (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2008). "The Structure of Persian Names". MITRE Technical Report.  PDF
    (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2008). "The Language of Persian Blogs". MITRE Technical Report.  PDF    (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2008). "Analysis of Farsi Weblogs". MITRE Technical Report.  PDF
    (Public Released)

Megerdoomian, Karine (2008). "ARGUS Search and Stemming". MITRE Technical Report.  PDF

Megerdoomian, Karine (2007). "Persian: Overview of Linguistic Competence Test Design". Technical Report, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland..  PDF

Megerdoomian, Karine and Robin Dodsworth (2005). "Review of Literature on Heritage Languages: Emphasis on Persian". Technical Report, Center for Advanced Study of Language (CASL), University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. PDF
Technical reports (not public)
Technical Reports (Not Public Released)
Megerdoomian, Karine (2024). "Responsible AI Mitigation Strategies". MITRE Document. McLean, Virginia.

Megerdoomian, Karine and Charles Horowitz (2023). "Advanced Narrative Analytics System Infrastructure (ANAnSI)". MITRE Document. McLean, Virginia.

Megerdoomian, Karine, Amy Marsh and Charles Horowitz (2022). "Automated Knowledge Discovery for Online Child Pornography Offender Risk Assessment". MITRE
Technical Report. McLean, Virginia.

Megerdoomian, Karine, Mohammad Shahab Khan, John Henderson, Dan Loehr, Keith Miller, and Ali Obaidi (2014). "Language ID for Short Texts: Evaluation Report". MITRE Technical Report MTR140402. McLean, Virginia.

Condon, Sherri, Karine Megerdoomian, and Flo Reeder (2013). "Machine Translation Survey: Recent Research on Basic Algorithms and Selected Topics". MITRE Technical Report. McLean, Virginia.Megerdoomian, Karine (2011). "Issues in Dari Transcription". MITRE Product, MP110054. McLean, Virginia.
Megerdoomian, Karine (2010). "MITRE Persian Blog Lexicon: Documentation". MITRE Product, MP100404. McLean, Virginia.
Megerdoomian, Karine (2010). "ARL-MITRE Transcription Guidelines for English/Pashto". MITRE Document. McLean, Virginia.
Megerdoomian, Karine (2009). "TRANSTAC Transcription Guidelines for English/Dari". MITRE Document. McLean, Virginia.
Megerdoomian, Karine (2009). "Unclassified AFPAK Resources for Linguists". MITRE Presentation at FLEXCOM conference. McLean, Virginia.
Megerdoomian, Karine (2009). "On the IC Standard for Persian: Commentary on the Transcription Standard for Personal Names". MITRE Technical Report MTR090298. McLean, Virginia.
Condon, Sherri, Jon Phillips, Christy Doran, Dan Parvaz, John Aberdeen, Bea Oshika, Greg Krill, and Karine Megerdoomian (2007). "Spoken Language Communication and Translation System for Tactical Use (TRANSTAC), July 2007 Evaluation Report". MITRE Technical Report. McLean, Virginia. ---in collaboration with authors from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Aptima, Inc., Appen, and Defense Language Institute (DLI)
Condon, Sherri, Jon Phillips, Christy Doran, Dan Parvaz, John Aberdeen, Bea Oshika, Greg Krill, and Karine Megerdoomian (2007). "Spoken Language Communication and Translation System for Tactical Use (TRANSTAC), Phase 2 July 2007 Executive Summary". MITRE Technical Report. McLean, Virginia. ---in collaboration with authors from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Aptima, Inc., Appen, and Defense Language Institute (DLI)
Edited proceedings
Edited Proceedings and Meetings Organized
Karimi, Simin, Karine Megerdoomian, and Pollet Samvelian (Organizers) (2015). Conference on Complex Predicates in Iranian Languages, . Sorbonne University, Paris, France.

Farghaly, Ali and Karine Megerdoomian (Organizers/Editors) (2009). Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Arabic Script-Based Languages (CAASL3). Held at
Machine Translation Summit XII, Ottawa, Canada, August 26, 2009.

Farghaly, Ali and Karine Megerdoomian (Organizers/Editors) (2007). Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Arabic Script-Based Languages (CAASL2). Held at the Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute, Stanford University, July 2007.

Farghaly, Ali and Karine Megerdoomian (Organizers/Editors) (2004). Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Arabic Script-Based Languages (CAASL1). Held at COLING 2004, University of Geneva, August 28, 2004.

Megerdoomian, Karine and Leora Ann Bar-el (Editors) (2001). Proceedings of the 20th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL20), Cascadilla Press.
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